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While his trademark performance style returns, Stizz has refined his delivery, with tweaks noticeable as early as on the intro cut “Switch Places.” Although Stizz retains his monotone, adenoidal speech that rarely shifts in energy, the Suffolk County native has improved his ability to shift between verse and hook, with neither aspect of his tracks sounding as blatantly out of place as they sounded on Monda. Bucking the usual, Thursday night release, Stizzy returns with a 13 track outing with a handful of features from Offset, Buddy, G-Eazy and his Boston neighbor Big Leano.Īcross his first two projects, Suffolk County and Monda, Cousin Stizz seemed to have found his comfortably lazy flow, one that emphasizes drawn out syllables at the end of bars and a penchant for flatly delivered hooks.

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Bostonian Rapper Cousin Stizz dropped his third mixtape, One Night Only on Wednesday July 12, 2017.

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